Monday, January 26, 2009

Dota Version 6.59

The newest Dota version is here and have brought some pretty significant changes. Here are some of the highlights.

* Added a new subtle cooldown effect to make it a little clearer when spells are in cooldown and when they finish. This is mainly for long cooldown spells where it is sometimes difficult to tell. More work will be done in this area soon, but it needs a bit more time to make sure that anything extra is not visually intrusive. (PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Reworked Enigma's Conversion (see details below)
* Added a new experimental mode -er (-ExperimentalRunes, see details below)
* Rebalanced Necrolyte's Heartstopper from 250/500/750/1000 AOE with 1% drain to 700/800/900/1000 AOE with 0.5/0.75/1/1.25% drain
* Abaddon now uses the Death Knight model instead of the Evil Arthas one (practically the same, but commonly requested)
* Increased model size of hexed units a bit

Here are the details to Enigma's Eidolons.

Demonic Conversion:
Splits any non-hero unit into three Eidolons, killing the targeted unit.Eidolon's can duplicate themselves once whenever they attack 6 times.

Lesser Eidolon/Eidolon/Greater Eidolon/Dire Eidolon (Same as before)

Cooldown: 35
Manacost: 170

Notes: It cannot target Level 5+ Neutral Creeps

Experimental Runes:
This temporary mode changes the rune system to a more experimental one. I will be changing how -er works from version to version to try out different ideas. I don't plan on any one version of the new runes to replace the current system directly, so do not panic. Instead, it will be used as something to create discussion, spark ideas, find flaws and playtest different concepts over time. How -er works for this version: Runes spawn simultaneously on both sides at 3 minute intervals (instead of 2). Again I have no plans to make this permanant.

And Icefrog follows with a very important note....

Notes: I wanted to release this sooner rather than later because of some
important code fixes. I am planning on finishing the traditional .x9 quest for
v6.59b (along with some more balance tweaks) and then followed by TC in 6.60 if
everythings work out right.


-- IceFrog

Update: I'm getting lots of emails asking me what .x9 and TC are. Every 9
version there is a hidden side quest in the map. TC is the Tauren Chieftain hero

A new Hero!! And the Tauren Chieftan to boot. One can only speculate what kind of stuff their going to do with the character model but I'm assuming he's still going to be a strength hero. Hope it works out. For any other improvements, you can find the rest of the changelog here


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