My time away has been a bit selfish I will admit. Hours of gaming piled on school finals was a recipe for disaster. Not to mention I took advantage of the winter break. Unfortunately I still have a massive amount of unfinished games on my hands and theres nothing more that I loathe than unfinished games. Currently I still need to finish practically everything that released since October and that includes Uncharted 2, Batman Arkham Asylum, Borderlands, Torchlight, Dragon Age, Modern Warfare 2 and Halo ODST. It also doesn't help that I have been playing Heroes of Newerth for hours on end. My pile of shame has increased significantly so naturally I fear the Q1 list of games.
On my must-have list for the new year is Mass Effect 2, MAG, Dantes Inferno, Heavy Rain, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Bioshock 2, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War 3 and Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising. That pretty much translates into $650 for the next 3 months and my wallet is scared for its life.
During my time away I also purchased an iPhone and have been buying up a storm of apps so a new feature I want to introduce is a monthly or weekly spotlight on the ones worth checking out. More things planned if time allows me!
My free time has been limited due to school and work so the amount of games is just exhausting to look at. I am currently compiling a GOTY list which is late as always but I like to rent or play every game in every category to give all of them a shot. My next post will be lengthy so I'll see how soon I can hammer it down before I get swallowed up with my hectic schedule.
So bask in our bloody glory comrades, for your leader has returned!!